Thursday, 2 February 2012

That awkward moment when...

That awkward moment when you're sitting on the floor primping and preening, feeding your inner diva with your dynamic reflection, and suddenly see, out of the corner of your eye, a big-ass spider crawling up your mirror, so you sit very still for a few seconds, until you manage to gather up the courage to scamper away and hide yourself in the 'safety' of your bed, but, seeing as your mirror is next to your door, you can't leave your room to shower, to make your lunch for the next day, or to brush your teeth - you can't even put on your pyjamas (that particular section of closet placed directly across from said mirror), and you certainly can't go to sleep because you know it's just there (or so you're hoping - there's also the fear that you'll get up and you won't see it, in which case it could be ANYWHERE...) so you just kind of sit and write about the traumatizing incident on your blog, hoping that eventually your severe entomophobia will subside enough to allow you to shower and sleep, because you have to wake up in six hours.

.. that awkward moment when you realize that you might not be the most rational person in the world.

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