Sunday, 15 January 2012


Of course I'm aware by now that the people who read this blog are generally a small population deferred from my facebook account.

Therefore you all already know quite a bit about me.

Those of you who don't, I am a classical singer, and there is nothing I hate more than youtube covers of broadway songs - by people who are not trained singers.

Yes, I am also the girl who, when watching any kind of performance with ANYone, will critique their voice, and will start talking - like a "know-it-all" - about what vocal fach that person likely is, and about whether or not they've likely had training. I will point out everything I think the person is doing that will likely "ruin their voice one day."

Granted, I do generally know what I'm talking about, but I realize this doesn't mean I have to talk about it all the time.

So I'm kind of a diva, and I kind of fall into the following category, but whatever.

I have been watching, for awhile now, mirandasings on youtube. To those of you who have never heard of this, here is an introductory video:

Since most people think that she is being serious - because she is a really good actress - she is not. She is trolling.

I was one of those people for awhile, who was simply annoyed by her because she is so bad.

And then I found this, where she explains the idea behind Miranda, and now that I know what pushed her to do this, I find it hilarious.

She also sings a lovely version of "Tits and Ass" from A Chorus Line that almost literally had me rolling on the floor laughing.


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