Sunday, 29 January 2012

One Of The Reasons I Love VLOGBROTHERS

Thank you for that mindf*ck, Hank.

"A vlogbrothers episode, in which Hank loses the game. A LOT."

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Vocal Jazz

... as it turns out, I really wasn't gone for as long as I thought I was.


Not particularly amusing... actually not meant to be amusing at all, but I dedicate this post for someone who I've spent the last seven months loving.

I will admit, I have a bit of a thing for vocal jazz. To me, this is the most romantic style of music. And this is coming from an opera singer.

I love you.

The Explanation of my Week-Long (I think) Disappearance

I had decided, in a preemptive frenzy, to not post on my blog until this whole SOPA and PIPA nonsensical business was cleared up.

I have realized, however, that I miss posting stupidities online for the world to see.

I've also realized that the world does not read my blog, that my REGULAR audience consists of about five people, all of whom are close friends of mine.

Therefore, me NOT posting my views on here would a) Make absolutely no impact, and b) If anything would only lose me followers.

Now that that is said and done, I promise to post more stupidities the minute I find some.

I am now going to bed:

My life, right now. (
Good night, internets.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Reasons I Am Proud To Be A Mezzo-Soprano

I'm done now.

SOPA Will Ruin My Life

SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act, or Bill 3261.

From the only page to be open today.
To put it bluntly, Bill 3261 would essentially obliterate sites like tumblr, MY BLOG, youtube... it would also pretty much ruin facebook - and, by consequence, every geek ever's life.

I will say now that I greatly appreciate the following:

Stop SOPA.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


I just ate eight chocolate-covered cookies.



Sunday, 15 January 2012

Life from the Other Side (... of pain medication)

Thank you, prescribed-pharmaceuticals.

I am suddenly very highly aware of my hands.

As well as my eyelids.


Of course I'm aware by now that the people who read this blog are generally a small population deferred from my facebook account.

Therefore you all already know quite a bit about me.

Those of you who don't, I am a classical singer, and there is nothing I hate more than youtube covers of broadway songs - by people who are not trained singers.

Yes, I am also the girl who, when watching any kind of performance with ANYone, will critique their voice, and will start talking - like a "know-it-all" - about what vocal fach that person likely is, and about whether or not they've likely had training. I will point out everything I think the person is doing that will likely "ruin their voice one day."

Granted, I do generally know what I'm talking about, but I realize this doesn't mean I have to talk about it all the time.

So I'm kind of a diva, and I kind of fall into the following category, but whatever.

I have been watching, for awhile now, mirandasings on youtube. To those of you who have never heard of this, here is an introductory video:

Since most people think that she is being serious - because she is a really good actress - she is not. She is trolling.

I was one of those people for awhile, who was simply annoyed by her because she is so bad.

And then I found this, where she explains the idea behind Miranda, and now that I know what pushed her to do this, I find it hilarious.

She also sings a lovely version of "Tits and Ass" from A Chorus Line that almost literally had me rolling on the floor laughing.


Friday, 13 January 2012

Are You The Doctor?

I have discovered the most amazing show in the world (... well, the CURRENT most amazing show in the world. As in "is still in the process of airing," and "is not Friends, Buffy, or (apparently) Firefly".)

You all guessed it:

Doctor Who.

I'm sorry. I promise this isn't going to turn into one of those fan blogs, where all I talk about EVER is Doctor Who and sci-fi.

I promise.

Just bear with me for today.

Alex and I have just started series 5, and so - I'm sorry - Matt Smith is forever my doctor.

Of course I am planning on watching Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. Of course. I spent the majority of last year listening to one of my relatively close friends babble on and on about Doctor Who. She started with series 1, and so her doctor is the 9th doctor:

Christopher Eccleston. Credit - google. Sorry it isn't more specific.
That guy.

I have listened to her ramble on about every single episode (in the new series), every single relationship that The Doctor has been in, I have dealt with her crushes on each of The Doctor's assistants...

I will say, as someone who sat through hours of explanations without ever having seen an episode, the show sounds pretty stupid.

And I will admit, Doctor Who is quite a difficult concept to grasp.

However, once you accept the whole space-time-continuum idea, and the fact that The Doctor can pretty much move freely throughout it, it is, quite literally, the most amazing show in the world.

It's easy to see why it has gained such a large, obnoxious, vast following.

It has been said that the best doctor is David Tennant (at least from the new series.) Seeing as he was also on the show the longest, most of the new(er) generation have gotten into the show thanks to him.

Funny face? Matt Smith. Credit: Once again, google. Really. Just google doctor who.

But to me, bowties are cool.

Thursday, 12 January 2012


I just posted on facebook the following:

"I want pizza.
Like, I really want pizza.

I realized that this did not entirely cover the topic. I seriously want pizza, and so, I have decided to make each of you want pizza as badly as I want it.

Tomato, mozzarella, and basil thin-crust pizza.

I'll admit, I'm not a meat person, but this greek pizza still looks amazing. Mmm, feta cheese and olives.

Ultra-thin-crust spinach pizza.

I could eat a whole pizza now.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Super Therapy

By barelypolitical on youtube.

There is no creativity in this post, it's really just a suggestion.

There are six episodes so far. I've only posted my two favourites, because having all six in a post was slowing down my blog loading.

They can all be found on barelypolitical.

Have fun! :)

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Bill Nighy Is All Around

I'm watching "Underworld" for the first time - which I've realized is one of the most comically bad movies I've ever seen.

Don't judge me, it was on TV.

It's while watching this that I've realized, I cannot take Bill Nighy seriously, and I never will be able to.

Here is why.

Christmas Is All Around (on youtube)

To those of you who don't know, this is a scene from easily my favourite, and possibly the greatest movie ever:

Love Actually (2003)

If you haven't seen this, do yourself a favour, and watch it. You will love it.

You can't not love it.

Unless of course you have something against happiness and/or british people.

Seriously. You will love it dearly.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Have A Magical New Years, Everybody.

A few days ago, one of my best friends and I went to see "New Years Eve," and we both really liked it.

The most touching part of the movie happened during a rendition of "Auld Lang Syne" by Lea Michele.

Considering that I have yet to go to sleep, and it's been playing in my mind, Happy New Years everybody. I hope it was magical.

Thank you, and goodnight.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Dear Gaby,

To my best friend.

I've been wanting her to watch two things, and since they make me laugh and will probably make her laugh, I figured I'd assemble them into a blog post.

I also figured that, since one of them is a meme, they'd work with the previous post.

Here we go (prepare, most of you internet-stalkers, for a blast from the past).

Chocolate Rain:

aaaand (for all you alcoholics in da house)

You Deserve A Drink:

Happy New Years, everybody!

To start the year off with a bang (or just pot a bunch of great things that everybody everywhere has already seen):

Which reminds me...
If I were going to choose a 'Favourite Youtube Video Of All Time', this would probably win:

... Kay, I lied. This is my favourite youtube video of all time. I never get tired of watching it:

Happy New Years, everybody!