I have discovered the most amazing show in the world (... well, the CURRENT most amazing show in the world. As in "is still in the process of airing," and "is not Friends, Buffy, or (apparently) Firefly".)
You all guessed it:
Doctor Who.
I'm sorry. I promise this isn't going to turn into one of those fan blogs, where all I talk about EVER is Doctor Who and sci-fi.
I promise.
Just bear with me for today.
Alex and I have just started series 5, and so - I'm sorry - Matt Smith is forever my doctor.
Of course I am planning on watching Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. Of course. I spent the majority of last year listening to one of my relatively close friends babble on and on about Doctor Who. She started with series 1, and so her doctor is the 9th doctor:
Christopher Eccleston. Credit - google. Sorry it isn't more specific. |
That guy.
I have listened to her ramble on about every single episode (in the new series), every single relationship that The Doctor has been in, I have dealt with her crushes on each of The Doctor's assistants...
I will say, as someone who sat through hours of explanations without ever having seen an episode, the show sounds pretty stupid.
And I will admit, Doctor Who is quite a difficult concept to grasp.
However, once you accept the whole space-time-continuum idea, and the fact that The Doctor can pretty much move freely throughout it, it is, quite literally, the most amazing show in the world.
It's easy to see why it has gained such a large, obnoxious, vast following.
It has been said that the best doctor is David Tennant (at least from the new series.) Seeing as he was also on the show the longest, most of the new(er) generation have gotten into the show thanks to him.
Funny face? Matt Smith. Credit: Once again, google. Really. Just google doctor who. |
But to me, bowties are cool.