Friday, 23 December 2011

Holy Shiznat, Tomorrow Is Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! <-- Obnoxious amount of exclamation points

... Okay, well, maybe not.
But for me and the rest of my large crazy family, it is.


Except, me being me, of course, I haven't finished making my Christmas presents. This means:
1) I suck.
2) I currently look like this

due to my not sleeping last night.
That's right. I stayed up all night knitting.
I'm clearly a rebel.

The best (or worst - depends on how you look at it) part about that is that that monkey more-than-vaguely resembles me. No joke.

That was also quite a lot of 'that's, which is something that amuses me even though there's no reason for it to.

You should also probably know that right now I'm sick, and I'm PMS'ing.
As I'm writing this, I'm being forced to endure the sounds of my adorable four-year-old brother jumping like a 4 THOUSAND POUND WALRUS in his room right above me.
Also, I can hear my other brother crying through the baby monitor, which, you know, sucks. Balls.
And we were watching a VHS earlier, but it's finished and rewound itself, and right now the TV screen is glaring blue right in my eyes, but I don't have the energy or will power to pick up the remote LITERALLY RIGHT. BESIDE. ME. and turn it off, so I'm just kind of glaring inwardly at it, hoping there is maybe a power outage so that the lights will go off.

I have a laptop. :D

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