Tuesday 17 July 2012

There Really Is No Place Like Home

I realize it's been forever. I apologize.

I've basically been busy, with auditions and various other things that I explain in this blogpost. I basically took a trip to Oz. And while it was fun, I've come to realize that there's no place like home.

In any case, this is going to be my last posting on "Amuse Me, Internet." It was fun while it lasted. I am, however, still keeping a blog. It's just at a different url for various reasons. And I'm not taking this one down. I just won't be posting anything new here.

From now on, you can find me here: http://comfortingabsurdities.blogspot.com

To all of you who so bravely continue your internet quests, I have one thing to say.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

- Chelsea

Thursday 17 May 2012

Fuck NC.

In honour of anti-homophobia day, here are the vlogbrothers and all of Nerdfightaria fighting against World-Suck.
Hank Fighting Against World Suck.
John Fighting Against World-Suck.

Here are a whole bunch of youtubers against hate.

Fuck you, North Carolina.

Sunday 6 May 2012

My Philosophy Teacher

This picture essentially sums up my philosophy class...

Courtesy of  iwastesomuchtime.com

Except that when my philosophy teacher did this, he jumped up onto a table, crouched down, and said "This would be the cool part about being a cat," and I'm pretty sure he meowed and pawed at his head.

He also throws erasers across the room at random intervals to demonstrate the relationship between private vs. public space and time.

Saturday 5 May 2012

David Tennant, Being Awesome

Just thought I'd give you all a little David Tennant, being awesome.

David Tennant, Being Awesome

(Courtesy of iwastesomuchtime.com)

Tuesday 1 May 2012


I feel the need to, first of all, applaud the cast for the projected Les Miserables movie adaptation set to come out in December 2012.

Courtesy of IMDB.

I can't get over it. It's beautiful.

... although I will admit, I'm not 100% sure as to what Sacha Baron Cohen is doing there...

In other news, seeing as I've been gone forever, I got sick over the weekend.

Me, passed out.

I should also mention that I've been super busy lately what with all of my shit-ton of rehearsals (YAY being a music student!) and I apologize for kind of neglecting Le blog.

I would also like to share something that one of my very good friends linked to me via facebook that had me laughing probably the hardest that I've laughed all day:

A Lack of Crackers via humorswitch

I apologize for this post being all over the place. It's late and I feel shitty.

I think I'm going to go to bed. I just felt the need to let you all know I hadn't died.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Eating Frosting

What happens at the end of a long day:

... Cause I'm a classy b*tch.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Lost Time..?

It's been a long time... I apologize.

First of all, I have a life (i.e. papers to write, who are we kidding) and have therefore not been spending nearly as much time as usual surfing the internet, which has par consequence not allowed me to find anything particularly amusing to forward to you all.

Secondly, I'm still not used to the new blogger. I'm seriously not appreciating it.

To make up for some lost time, here is a look at my life right now:

Yes, I subscribe to the DavidsTea newsletter.

Also, that kiwi one looks delicious. ALL THE TEA!!